Current Position:
Executive Director/Principal, Kathmandu School of Law
Professional Attachments From the Past:
Professor, Kathmandu School of Law
Senior Advocate: Supreme Court of Nepal
Academic Council Member: Purbanchal University
Taught as Visiting Professor in Several Universities in Asia such as Rajibgandhi National Law University Punjab, Punjab University Law Faculty, Renmin University of China Law School, Chittagong University, and Chittagong, Bangladesh, Guru Govinda Indraprastha University Faculty of Law and Legal Studies, Beijing Communication University, China, Ehime University, Japan, Washington University St. Louis, Georgetown Law Center, USA.
Council Member: South Asian Institute of Legal Studies and Human Rights (SAILS Forum)
Immediate Past Position:
Attorney General of Nepal:
Dr. Yubaraj Sangroula was appointed by the President of Nepal on recommendation of the Prime Minister. Attorney General is chief legal advisor of the Government, the president as well as Chief prosecutor of the State. Resigned from the position on 30th August, 2011. Before resignation, major works carried out were 'development of five years plan of action for strengthening of the performance of Attorney General Office', The launching of 'five years plan of actions' for reforms of the Attorney General Office achieved (a) Establishment of the Research and Human Rights Monitoring Department; (b) Establishment of "Prosecutors Training Center, (c) Launching of tri-monthly Bulletin for Reporting Issues of Human Rights Protection from Attorney General Office; (d) Issuance of Directives to Police Investigators and Prosecutors to Effectively Prosecute Violence against Dalit and other Vulnerable Communities; and Prevent Removal or Pardoning of Criminal Charges were major achievements made during the tenure. He played a leading role in introduction and advocacy of the 'Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, and Sentencing Act, which are now passed and come into implementation from Bhadra of 2075 which is aimed to revolutionize the process of reforms of Criminal Justice System. As an Attorney General had played crucial role in 'ratification of Money Laundering Convention and Anti-Financing on Terrorism Convention.
Executive Member of Nepal Bar Association
Chairman of Nepal Bar Council, 2011.
Bar Council in Nepal is a statutory body to regulate affairs of 'legal professionals', including disciplinary actions against lawyers engaged in unethical practice.
Member of the Steering Committee on 'Reform of Criminal Justice System', headed by a Supreme Court Justice.
Under this capacity launched and led activities for 'building consensus of the bills on Criminal Justice System in Parliament'. Even after Attorney General's position was left, I was engaged in coordinating the activities of 'prosecution reforms' through a project of CeLRRd supported by Danida and SDC.
Other Positions Held in the Past
Founding Executive Director, Kathmandu School of Law 2001.
Convener 2008: Convener of the High Level Taskforce for Reforms of the Security Agencies of Nepal:
This taskforce was constituted by the Cabinet decision of the Government of Nepal in 2008. The mandate of the taskforce was to prepare 'a comprehensive report along with action plan for reforms of the Nepal Police, Armed Police Force and National Investigation Department, 2009 in the context of federal restructuring of Nepal'. The report is widely appreciated by the civil society as well as government institutions, the security agencies in main, and it now provides a concrete foundation work for restructuring of security system in Nepal. Depoliticization of the Police Institution by establishing a "Constitutional Commission for Police Service' was one of the main recommendations made by the report. This report is a basis for dialogue concerning reforms plan of the security system in Nepal.
Convener, Committee for Law and Governance, South Asian University (a SAARC Undertaking), represented the govt. of Nepal.
Advisor to the Ministry of Home Affairs Nepal, with status of Assistant Minister, 2009.
The main responsibility in this position was to develop strategies and detail plan of actions for implementation of the recommendations of the 'Taskforce' for restructuring of security sector in Nepal in the context of federalization of Nepal. To promote human rights and address impunity within security agencies were the other core functions to address in this position. As an advisor, the main task accomplished was the 'development of the plan of action for implementation of the recommendation made by the report mentioned herein before'.
Convener for Law and Governance Committee of South Asian University: The responsibility included drafting of statues of the University. The university is an joint initiative of the members of SAARC.
Member of the Academic Council of the South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (SAILS) based in Dhaka, 2010- till now. As a regional institution, it works to integrate legal education and promote human rights through legal education South Asia.
Teaching Experiences
From 2001- as of now:
Kathmandu School of Law (KSL), Purbanchal University, Nepal: KSL offers five years LL.B. and two years LL.M. program in Human rights, Criminal Law and Justice and Business and International Trade law. As a founding Executive Director and Member of the Faculty Board of the Purbanchal University, has had an opportunity to lead the formulation of curricula for both the LL.B. and LL.M. programs. Also has opportunity to serve in the Senate of the University for a period of three years, beginning from 2005.
From 1989 to 2000: Nepal Law Campus, Tribhuwan University, Nepal: Worked as a founding Director of the Clinical Legal Education Program for a period of three years (From 1991-1994). The prime responsibility in this capacity was to develop a clinical education program and engage students in clinical activities such as community mediation, legal aid, public interest litigation and legal awareness building of people through street law programs. This program was catalytic in modernizing the legal education system in Nepal. From 1996, worked as a ‘Convener of the Jurisprudence Subject Committee’ at Dean’s Office of the Law Faculty, Tribhuvan University. As such the main responsibility discharged was to develop the curriculum and introduce new methods of teaching jurisprudence for LL.M and LL.B. programs.
From 1987-1989: Prithvi Narayan Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal: Started teaching law career as a lecturer from this college.